Wednesday, February 23

NICU blankets.

my friend, kim, had her twins last year on march 3 at 24 weeks.  there were some very rough days in the NICU and some times they weren’t sure the twins would make it but they are both here and doing well today.  in honour of karsyn & kaden’s 1st birthday, kim had the great idea of making blankets and taking them to the NICU for other kiddos there.  this was one of the ways kim was able to make their space there a little more “homey” and she thought it might be nice for other parents and babies staying in the NICU.  we met up one sunday and made some blankets and then we made some on our own.  this was my first attempt at sewing on the new machine and i must say, it was fairly easy and no fingers were sewn together :)

check out their story at

my blankets…



Jaclyn said...

Yay for sewing! Can't wait to see what else you venture to try!

Kelli said...

I love this! What a great idea! You need to teach me how!