i hate reading other people’s blogs who have ____ week olds who sleep through the night. my kids never subscribed to that sleeping philosophy. i think my kids believe they need to check to make sure mummy & daddy are there every so often.
that being said, they both respond really well to the cry it out method although it breaks this mummy’s heart. we travelled a lot this summer and staying in hotels doesn’t lend itself well to letting a baby cry it out so once we were home for good, it was time.
there was one night of about an hour and a half of off and on crying but the next night, miss avery did great and even woke up in the middle of the night but put herself back to sleep. unfortunately, she got sick the next day and i couldn’t stand to let a sick baby cry so for a few days, i went in and got her just in case.
back to square one and a painful night of an hour and a half of crying in the middle of the night followed by a night of no problems. not too bad really! she has been doing great ever since. the only difference is that before, if she would wake up anytime before 630, she would take a bottle and go back to sleep and now when she wakes up whether at 545 or 630, she is ready to go – there is no going back to sleep! i would definitely take the uninterrupted sleep over getting to sleep just a bit later but a combination would be greatly appreciated on the weekend :)
we are also able to give aj a bottle before bed, burp her, and then lay her down and she puts herself to sleep (after rolling around and grunting a little bit :)).
ps…i realize that because i am writing about avery sleeping through the night, she won’t tonight…oh well!!
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