Saturday, September 21

another busy saturday.

after a soccer rain-out, we headed to a sweet friend’s birthday party at jump n jungle where our kiddos played HARD!! if only we could have a bounce house wing added to our house Smile 

after dropping e man & the puppies off in katy, it was time for avery jo’s first aggie football game!!! e has gone every year of his short life but miss thing has never been so we decided this year was the year!

while we didn’t make it in time for kid’s yell, we did make it for step off on the quad. AJ was intrigued the everything going on and really enjoyed the band!
after grabbing a bite to eat, we headed up to our seats {via elevatorSmile}
pictures by avery…
just before halftime, aj decided she needed her jammies on Smile after a quick trip the bathroom, she was set to watch the fightin texas aggie band with her pink/white stripe footie jammies! she caught her second wind but tuckered out halfway through the 4th quarter…

she did great and seemed to enjoy herself!! can’t wait to bring her back to another game!

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