Monday, February 6

the last week.

has been CRAZY!!!

{probably tmi!} potty training has been going great!! we have had maybe 2 accidents in the last week and e is telling us when he needs to go #2 on the potty which is huge!! i know a lot of kids have trouble with this and he did too at first but seems to get the idea and isn’t so scared to do it anymore. at school, they said he normally wakes up from his nap in a dry pull up so they have been leaving him in his big boy underwear during nap and he’s done fine!! his diapers at night are a lot more dry as well so once he has quite a few dry diapers in a row, we might let him sleep in big boy underwear at night too. so proud of him!!!

on a different note, our sweet, little girl has been “sick" :( the funny part is that aside from about an hour or two tuesday, you would never know it {well, that and the middle of the night but whatever!!}. school called on tuesday around 230 to let me know avery was running a 103 fever so i immediately left and called and got a dr’s appt on the way to pick her up. when i got to school, i could tell she wasn’t feeling great but she didn’t feel terribly warm either. i headed to the dr and by the time we got there, she had no fever and was acting completely normally. i considered just going home but decided to just have them take a look at her and make sure all was well. thank goodness we did!! the dr looked at her ears and she {of course!} had a double ear infection. she wasn’t convinced that the ear infection caused the fever so she wanted to run a blood test. avery was so good and just watched the lady taking her blood – tough cookie! when the results came in, her blood count levels were around 23,000 with the norm being around 5,000-10,000 – yikes!! the dr then decided to give her an antibiotic shot to jumpstart the medicine and then sent us over to the hospital for chest xrays to rule out pneumonia. i had to stop by sonic to get avery some food on the way to the hospital because she was hungry and getting a tad grumpy :) after the chest xrays {which were awful! they put her in what looked like a medieval torture device!}, we headed home to the boys. brian took the next day off of work to stay home with her {just in case} and the dr’s office called to let us know she did have pneumonia. even though she was acting completely fine, something about hearing those words about your kids was really upsetting. they weren’t concerned about it and said that as long as she didn’t spike another fever {she hadn’t had any since school the day before} and was still eating and drinking, we should be good. we asked about when she could go back to school and were told the next day as long as she had no fever so back to school she went on thursday :) sweet girl is just too busy to be sick! so glad that we caught it early and that it didn’t get any worse!! now if we could just get through this first winter in school – brutal on the sickness front!!

here are some random pics of the kiddos playing yesterday…

yes, he’s in his elephant costume inside of my old pram…crazy kid!
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