what?!?! my little boy is just so not little anymore :( but what a fun stage he is in right now!!
what e is up to at 10 months:
- eating 3 meals a day. for the most part, he is eating big people food but every so often, when we aren’t eating something kid friendly, he will have some baby food. so far he has had grilled cheese, cheese ravioli, fettucini alfredo, hot dogs, hamburger, gelatto, and any number of veggies…
- a formula bottle in the morning {6ish oz} we are finally out of breastmilk {i think although we might stumble across some in the freezer if we clean it out :)}
- he is still drinking apple juice/white grape juice/water out of a sippy cup throughout the day and sometimes goes through 2-4 of them each day.
- he’ll also usually drink 1-2 6 oz bottles of formula during the day
- he’s still loving the yogurt melts and puffs and we have added teething biscuits, graham crackers, and really any crackers to the mix
- is able to feed himself small bit of food as well as his bottle or sippy cup.
- still saying dadadada and every so often will add in random combinations of dada, baba, and nana…still no mama
- has started pulling himself up on the bouncer, ottoman, and pretty much anything that he can. we’re in trouble soon!!
- is sleeping pretty well although most nights, he wakes up once fussing…i think this momma is going to have to pour out a little tough love soon:( he used to sleep forever on your chest in the morning allowing you to “sleep in” a bit but has stopped that recently – ugh!
- has started napping well at daycare. there were some days we would pick e up and he might have had 5 minutes worth of naps or maybe, a whopping 30 minutes but that was usually it. he has now started sleeping in 1-2.5 hour increments which is so good for him!!
- still loves to snuggle!!
- gives the best hugs! he has been doing this for awhile but i just love them so much!
- still a size 4 diaper & 18-24 month clothes {although there are some 2Ts in the closet}
- still not a crawler altho he can get around. poor kid tries so hard and is in the right position but then just flops his belly down. i think it’s only a matter of time though!
- finally has a couple of teeth on the bottom!! they broke through on the 1st of april and it feels like some of the top are coming through as well.
- has started taking steps when you have him standing up. nothing spectacular but at least he’s getting the motion down!
some random pics of the “monthday” boy…
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