at 5 months, evan is…
- eating 2 meals a day – a fruit in the morning and a veggie at night. he will probably start eating “lunch” soon but i haven’t started that yet.
- still almost sitting up on his own. i’m convinced that if it weren’t for his big belly, he would be sitting up independently but squishing that belly for long periods of time seems to be a problem for him :)
- using his hands to grab at EVERYTHING. a couple of weeks ago, he discovered how to pull his pacifier out of his mouth by the handle and swing it around. he thought that was the best thing ever so we bought him some toys he could grab onto and shake and he loves them! unfortunately this also means that no glass, bottle, hair, necklace, dog’s ear, etc is safe if it is within reach.
- still only really uses a pacifier right as he is going to sleep. then he spits it out as soon as he is asleep. goofy kid!
- using a big boy car seat and seems to enjoy it!
- making more and more noises everyday. once he discovers a noise, he generally makes that noise for a few days straight before moving on to another one.
- a VERY happy baby. he very rarely cries and almost always wakes up with a smile on his face.
- in love with his dogs. he will sit and stare at them forever. he laughs when rylea barks or addie licks him. he thinks watching rylea play fetch is the best thing ever! now, he is reaching for them and will grab on to addie or rylea if they are napping close enough while he’s taking his bottle. poor puppies don’t know what they’re in for!
- still loving daycare and watching all the older kids moving around. he also enjoys sitting with the other kids and “talking”
- sleeping fairly consistantly from 8:30 until somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30 the next morning. mummy & daddy loves this:)
- starting to really enjoy tummy time. he pushes up on his arms until they are straight and looks around. he also kicks his legs while he’s on his belly. if he could just figure out what his knees are for, he would be off to the races!
- is starting to become ticklish. i can tickle his sides and he will start belly laughing so loudly!! too cute!
- has rolled over from front to back once (and i missed it :( ) he always rolls over to his side and then just stops and looks around. daddy says he does it to show how advanced he is. apparently anyone can roll all the way over but it takes “control” to stop on your side (that or a large belly/arm in the way – whatever :))
- is still in the same size clothes as last month (12-18 month) and still in the same size diaper (size 3). it seems that the growing has tapered off just a bit – thank goodness!!!
- still loving baths although he is trying to sit up in his bath seat. i think we need to try to find something that allows him to sit up and play in the bath.
- in love with his bouncer. he gets going in it sometimes and i get afraid he’s going to bounce himself right out of it!! he will stand in it and watch the dogs, watch us, play, “talk,” and just about anything else. he’d probably sleep in it at night if we’d let him ;)
- amazing us everyday with how much he is learning and developing. his personality is shining through and we love our little boy to death!!
and again, this picture is getting way more complicated to take. this time, evan grabbed the sign and wouldn’t put it down…little stinker!!
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