Saturday, December 29

paging mommy & daddy.

we put mister e down for quiet/nap time today…just like normal. he played with the toys in his room…just like normal. things got quiet in his room for a little while…a little strange. next thing we know, we hear what sounds like the monitor being moved and then a 3 year old voice {slightly muffled like his mouth is against the monitor…cause it was} saying “mommy, daddy, I need to go potty and then I want to play legos in the living room.”

apparently he was well aware of how the monitor works and just wanted to make sure we heard him. of course, brian immediately grabs the camera to try and catch him in the act! we weren’t quite fast enough but we made him reenact what he did. here you go…


what you can’t see is his mouth smooshed against the receiver! little stinker!

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