Sunday, November 6

birthdays and showers and fun, oh my.

it was another busy weekend for us. Friday night, we headed to the Galleria to the Cheesecake Factory to celebrate my 30th birthday {when did that happen?!?!} with nanny & vanpa. we also wanted to keep the kiddos up a little later to help adjust to daylight savings time the next night. after a yummy dinner, we went to the lego store and played around and then watched the zamboni at the ice skating rink. fun night!!

the next day, we had trace’s first birthday party at the park. brian had soccer at the same time so it was just me and the kiddos. evan had a blast playing and avery was busy getting into everything! unfortunately i didn’t get my camera out for any of it – mainly because i was busy chasing them both around :) that afternoon, brian had another soccer game so we just hung out at home playing…

today, we went to church, came home, had lunch, and while the babies were napping, i headed to our friend, terra’s baby shower with jaclyn. it was adorable and we can’t wait to meet baby ella!

we left the shower a little early to get back for sweet sam’s second birthday party. it was at jump n jungle and was an absolute blast!! evan was a sweaty mess by the time it was over and avery had fun
“bouncing” and sliding with daddy…

{phone pics}

love my little blurs :) after the party, we headed home. cc came over and played until bedtime…we were pooped!!! what a weekend!

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